Career GPS
BundleFeeling lost in your job search? Sacred Time can help you find your way. Career GPS is designed to position you for success during the marathon of the job search. With this subscription you get insight into industry best practices and resources.
$99 / month
Interview Preparation
CoursePrepare for your next #jobinterview by understanding the importance of how you tell your story with this 3-tier approach.
Advanced Job Search Techniques
CourseNot finding enough of the right type of jobs in your job search? Here is how to use a recruiter technique to find the roles, people, and places that will transform your job search into a job hunt.
Job Search Prep
CourseLevel up your job search with best practices for every step of the process from resumes and interviewing to networking and salary negotiation. Gain the confidence to stand out on a competitive job market.
$99 / month
Resume Consultation
CourseThis consultation can be applied to your resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letter, or job search strategy and includes (1) detailed notes on strategic changes you can make -OR- direct updates to existing documents and (2) a 30-minute strategy call.